
Friday, October 14, 2011

Renovation of #18 Green: Day 5

Once again, another big step forward after Day 5 was done.  All of the rootzone material has been added back into the greensite and the final contours are becoming more visible.  The irrigation has been re-routed and adjusted to work with the new shape of the green and the bunker is ready for inspection.  Brian Yoder will be back on Saturday to review the final shape of the green and make any necessary adjustments that he deems necessary.

We do not yet have a projected finising date, but it certainly seems that they are well ahead of schedule. Depending on the recommended adjustments, we may be able to put sod on the green at some point this weekend or on Monday.  The bluegrass sod for around the new bunker and the bunker sand will be here on Monday as well.  It is about to get even more hectic than it has been, so try to keep up. I will do my best to keep the updates coming.

Rootzone material being added

Working from the front to the back

View from the front of the green.  Much more of the green is now visible.

Beginning to work on final grading

Installing irrigation to match the new contour of the green

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