
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Practice Green Repair

Green after sodding 4/16/14

One project that you probably have noticed is the small Practice Green next to the clubhouse.  I had closed that green to traffic in March in the attempts to further aid its recovery from the severe winter damage that it sustained on the far east side.  After three weeks, no major recovery was taking place, so we had to sod the dead turf using new sod from our greens nursery.  This sod will require lots of rolling and topdressing to further smooth it out, and we have begun mowing it at a higher height to slowly work the new sod down to the height of other greens on the golf course. 

Green one week after sodding
     The green will remain closed until the roll and playability of the green matches the conditions on the golf course and the height of cut is the same as the others on the course.  I appreciate your understanding with this repair. 

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