
Monday, June 1, 2015

Cart Path Paving Complete!

The cart paths along 2 green, 15 green, 3 tee and green, 8 green, 12 green, 14 green, and 15 tee have all been completed today by NiBlock.  I appreciated their hustle and hard work getting all of these done in a day.

Over the next few days, our staff will be replacing the sod along the sides that were removed to get all paths back to an 8' width and smoothing any entry and exit points so that the transition from path to sod is consistent with the other paths on the golf course.  Until we can reach all of these areas, please use caution when driving onto and off of the new paths to save both your body and Elcona's golf carts.  Thank you for your consideration.

Also, we do have some truck ruts to repair in front of 2 tee.  In looking at all the possible ways to route the asphalt trucks to 2 green and 15 green, this way was the best case scenario.  I did not want these extremely heavy trucks on the paths near 3 and 16 tee that were paved 2 years ago and risk damaging them with all the weight.  Our staff will be filling in these ruts with soil tomorrow, and sodding them later this week.  If you have any questions, please contact me.  Thank you, and have a great week!


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