Gorgeous tulip bloom behind 18 green |
Our preemergent applications for grassy weeds and early season broadleaf weeds will be completed this coming week. The high winds that visited Elcona all of last week hampered any plans of applying those. There is still some time to apply these preventative applications to your yard if you have not as well.

The terrace project continues to march along. Last week, ConCreations was onsite to demo the existing concrete around the Club and Fireside Rooms, and pour a new slab of stamped concrete in those areas to match the existing colors and patterns of the walking path outside the Ballrooms and View. It was quite the process, as the pictures abo show. Seeing a boom over the building was quite the show! The remaining sod in the new area was transplanted to some open stump holes on the course, and a gas line was run both to the location of the new firepit and a future grill hook up on the north side of the new terrace edge. Irrigation was re-routed around the new paver area and any topsoil that was in the area was removed by hand to ensure wires and pipes were not disturbed.
The next steps in this project involve setting the final grade for the pave stones. We will be adding or taking away subgrade to make a even base to add our aggregate base layer, which will be compaction gravel. The gravel must be a compacted level of at least 4" in depth. On top of that gravel will be a 1/2" layer of sand, which serves as the base for the actual pave stone. Before all of these aggregates are added, we will be taking several readings with survey equipment to establish and marking these on wood stakes.
18 green also continues to be on schedule for its grand opening one week from today. In the last two weeks, it have been aerified both with 1/2" cores and 3/4" solid deep tines to further smooth the playing surface and create new channels for air, water, and roots to go. This aerification has also allowed the generous application of topdressing sand to further smooth the surface as well, as you may have noticed. The height of cut currently is at .165", which is .04" above the other greens on the course. I will have more information on the green later on in the week, so stay tuned!
Sod work continues to be completed as well. Areas that are both newly laid sod and yet to be completed will be marked as "Ground Under Repair", so please continue to take relief if your ball lands in these areas.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have enjoyed seeing many familiar faces return to Elcona, along with some new faces as well. See you on the course!